Rails Flash Mesages with Bootstrap Alerts
Quick copypasta to display flash messages in Bootstrap 3 alert styles
In ApplicationHelper
module ApplicationHelper
def bootstrap_class_for flash_type
success: 'alert-success',
error: 'alert-danger',
alert: 'alert-warning',
notice: 'alert-info'
}[flash_type.to_sym] || flash_type.to_s
Create a partial app/views/shared/_flash.html.slim
- flash.each do |flash_type, message|
.alert.alert-dismissable class="#{bootstrap_class_for(flash_type)}"
button.close data-dismiss='alert' ×
= message
And just render it whenever needed
= render 'shared/flash'
The idea is taken from https://gist.github.com/suryart/7418454