vi editor cheatsheet

File management

Command Description
vi filename open file to edit
:w save
:wq or :x or ZZ save & quit
:q quit
:q! quit without saving changes


Command Description
h move left one character
j move down one character
k move up one character
l move right one character
w move forward one word
b move to the start of current word
e move to the end of current word
( move back one sentence
) move forward one sentence
^ move to the beginning of current line
$ move to the end of current line
{ move to start of previous paragraph or code block
} move to end of next paragraph or code block
Ctrl+F move forward one screenful
Ctrl+B move backward one screenful
<n>G move to the nth line
G move to the last line
gg move to the first line
% move to the matching bracket
t<char> move forward until the next occurrence of the character
f<char> move forward over the next occurrence of the character
T<char> move forward until the previous occurrence of the character
F<char> move forward over the previous occurrence of the character

Search and Replace

Command Description
/pattern search for pattern
n find the next occurrence of pattern
:%s/pattern/replace/g replace every occurrence of pattern with replace


Command Description
x delete a single character
D delete the rest of the line
dd delete the entire current line
ndw delete the next n words
:q! delete the next n lines
:x,yd delete from line x through to line y

Copy & Paste

Command Description
yw yank (copy) current word
yy yank current line
y$ yank to the end of current line
p paste the clipboard content